Who are you? (this probably the most spontaneous writing i have ever made and is my favourite poems of all... read and enjoy)
If you can tell your friend or foe,
By the holy book he reads,
You are smatter than I am,
If you can heal his wound,
By your wounds by words of apology,
Your words can heal but mine can't!!!
If you feed his hunger,
By a penny,
Your pennies are gold but mine ain't,
You are smater than me,
Your words can heal but mine can't,
Your pennies are gold but mine ain't
But I am God, Who are you???
30 Mins of Darkness

I have always been a very optimistic person, but thats not the only reason why I believe we all need to thank our state govt for the special gift it has bestowed upon us - Load shedding. 30 Mins of Darkness - Uninterrupted.
No do not be mislead. This aint your average boring article on politics. This is about darkness, about light, about black, about white and everything in between.
In the hustles and tussles of life we tend to overlook so many beautiful things. Small - but the basic things, the mother nature has gifted us. Like all things which come free, these beautiful and often unique things takes a back seat in our lives. Thats where load shedding comes to our rescue. During this half an hour we forget(at least try to) the busy life. The fasten your seat belts kinda rides. We take a break from the run to reach the finish line.
It is now, that we have to step outside our concrete jungles and smell the earth, caress the breeze and dance in the moonlight. It is now, that we have re-group ourselves, re-arrange our lives, re-think our deeds, re-charge our batteries and push on. It is that half an hour for introspections, for apologies, for kind words and all those small things in life that you never used to care for. It is now that you can be re-born as a child.
If you haven't yet enjoyed this divine 30 mins, it is high time that you do it. It is time you stop running. It is time you stop chasing. It is time that you sit back and relax.
Don't for God's sake - light up a candle and continue on your assignments. Don't for God's sake buy yourself an inverter and go on watching your stupid routine of mega serials.
It is high time you see light in the dark. Light that blinds the darkness. To re-vision our lives. To vision our walk (or should i say the CHASE) thus far. It is all in black and white. Well 30 mins of darkness or 30 mins of light... I am to re-think on the title.
I Love you, I will kill you...Never, Never....
I swear i'll never let you know.
Never, wanna let myself knwthat I'm cheating on you..
Words can't justify what am doing..
And neither can reason.
But, swear I'm burning inside.
Cos i am cheating on you.
Always, always....
I am stuck upon myself
To find a reason to whyI'm letting you down.
I'm letting my soul part.
Do I wanna let you know
Or kill my conscience now,
To believe I am doing no wrong!!!
And now I'm finding a way to how,
find myself in peace.
To sleep once again.
I'm gonna part my half.
I'll part you cos i love.
So tht i am cheating you no more.
I Love you... I'll Kill you....
Self-Destruction : Dedicated to my inspiration Love
I taste the forbidden fruit,
Ya! it tastes good, it tastes true.
Taste I now - the fruit - the guilt.
Guilt - the fruit of the heart- the daemon
Followed my heart - followed the daemon.
Swore I 'Follow not again... follow the daemon'
Bring thee yet another fruit,
Think i again... tempting me again.
Resist I can't, just once more I take.
Follow now - my last suit.
Head i listen to, heart that speaks.
Head speaks sense, heart spells death.
Death, I am ready to taste,
But part I not my heart's - the daemon's will.
Taste I my death, taste i my fall.
Take I can't, take i no more
Retrace my path, re-write my fate.
Had i one last chance.
But I am left with no more!!!
LBS diaries to be contd.....