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Thursday 17 September, 2009

Confession part 2

Its been quite a while since i have penned down anything at all... There are have been too many things happening in my life of late and i have been finding it really hard to find sometime to think abt what to write abt.... Well i don' t wanna call it writer's block.... as one of my friends pointed out here.... i have been travelling in an ego trip ... considering myself to be a big enough writer to have the writer's block... heheh ;-) its kindda a funny how we tend to sometimes over-estimate ourselves and at other times under-estimate ourselves and very very few times know what we exactly are... the next confession here is abt some1 who realised how far from reality he really was... how an event opened the door for him to realising THE TRUTH.. please read and give some valuable comments... thank you...

Michael Lawrence

Confession - Chicken in the Kitchen

Dear Mike,

How are you doing? It was just the other day that i got to read your blog... and you know what i was the 1365th hit on ur blog..... Since i have been a blogger for quite a while now and that i am familiar with the counter application i guess u wud be able to pin-point to my location.... Well you don't have to bother looking into to google analytics for that... I am from bangalore too... hehehe :-) I know that far as you can go with the information of being the 1365th hit....
Mike, to be really honest, your blog is a big pieace of shit.... I dont really know why some shit holes are commenting and praising your blogs and posts.... for all i know of you, i dont think this is the best shit you can produce or for that matter anyone can write about his/her college life... You have been too much on a ego trip ... talking abt some shit that happened to you and all the crap surrounding it... When one of my classmates told me about your blog i thought it would be something worth reading and i spent almost an hour and half to find some kindda worthy stuff in the whole hay stack. And since i could not find anything i tot i will write a mail to you about it...

The last post of yours about the confession is the best post of all... and i know for a matter that it wasn't your creation... and your claim that it was a fiction... I know the name of the guy who wrote to you about it... I know the guy who swore on him when he switched on the light... I also know all the chickens in the kitchen... Becos i was one of them...

Chicken in the kitchen

Tuesday 18 August, 2009

Confessions part 1

Dear All,

I am really thankful to all of you who have contributed in their own ways to this blog. Some of them by posting comments, others by sending mails to me, a few others on chat and all others who have been active readers.

Lately I have been suffering from a writer's block and hence was not able to find a good topic or incident to write upon. So i have decided to start with fiction. In this series I plan to make a few confessions which is purely fiction and has no truth in it whatsoever. So please read and enjoy. Thank you.

Michael Lawrence

Confessions of a born Spectator

Dear Michael,

I have been reading your blogs for a while now. I have found it interesting but I don't believe much of what is written in your blog is true. Also, unlike what you have told in your previous posts of people being shades of grey and not black or white you have been painting people in black and white. All the people on the other side... you have painted them black and guys on your side... they have been white. I am an anonymous and would like to remain the same. But I would like to echo a few things that are in my mind which are not in sync with your thinking or how you have been in campus or what you did in the campus.

You might be wondering who I am or why I do not have the balls to write to you without hiding behind a mask. Well, it is just true to how i have been all my life. I was in the hostel the same day you got hit. I saw your bloody nose and swollen lips, I also saw a few others get hit. I was feeling bad for all that happened. I wanted to rescue and be in the middle of the things and get them outta there. I saw the crowd gather outside the room of 'the bearded guy from kayamkulam'. I saw them enter his room and how they pounded on the bearded guy. I saw how they came in huge numbers and over-powered all of you. The bearded guy was my friend too. He was better friend of mine than you were. I was not there when they hit you... But when they started to pound on the bearded guy i wanted to intervene. I did not. The longer i stayed there, the harder it became for me not to intervene. So i walked out the 1st floor and went to the mess. I was shivering... I was scared. I was feeling the pain. I was contemplating hiding in some toilet or get out of the hostel thro' the kitchen door.

In the pretext of getting water from the mess, I walked right into the mess and then slowly opened the kitchen door. I was surprised that the kitchen door was not shut. Even though it was dark I knew exactly where the switches of the lights were. I stumbled across the door and switched on the light. And then I heard someone swearing me from behind. I turned around. I saw a familiar face. It was not the cook, nor was it the help of the cook. It was a face I had seen in the front row of your campaign for elections. It was the same guy who had given a hundred speeches. He was not alone. He was with a few others who were as chicken as me. I know I have been a chicken but today I am happy that I did not poke my nose into someone else's business.

Today, I am working in a software MNC with good reputation and great salary. I am proud that I have been able to help my younger siblings financially for their studies. I am proud that my parents' medical needs can be easily taken care of. I am proud that I have bought myself a car and awesome blaupkunt sound machine.
I am sorry I have been a born spectator all my life and I will continue to be..... But just want to quote you here "And I, Aint no Jesus Christ. Aint no Satan. i am just me. Not black. Not white. Just like any of you, another shade of grey. How grey I really am... well it depends on how you wanna see it..." Please do not judge me.

Thanks and Regards,

The faceless Man....

Saturday 1 August, 2009

The Aftermath part2

13th Feb 2003 : 4PM

As the day wore on and so did my peace of mind. Some of our visitors, the genuine ones, tried to keep us in high spirits. One of them, a localite, came to me, pulled me aside and asked me. 'What next?'. 'Excuse me', I thought,'Can anyone be more confused than me at this stage? and you are asking me ...' But i had to put a brave face here. I told him,'let us see how it goes'. He continued, 'Mike, you tell me what we should do. If you want us to hit them again, we are ready for it.' I don't know why it made me feel so good. when he told me that i can choose my fate (and also may be the fates of a few others) I felt so good. Maybe it was just the lack of control i had over my campus life. Maybe it was just that i was being important. Maybe it was just having the powers.

I thought abt it for a moment. For some1 who got scared and got hit for the first time in his life less than 24hrs ago was pondering about another attack. Power can be really addictive!!! But, I gathered myself and told him. 'No..Not now dude!!!' I think deep inside he was happy too that i made that decision.

But in retrospection I think I made the wrong decision. I should have gone ahead and asked himto take it out again. Because it was not just me who was scared. They were scared too. They hit us back because they were scared. It was a matter of seeing who blinks first. Today, six years and 166days later i regret that we blinked first. And today, I know that i had to be a politician not an apologetic one that I turned out to be, but a calculated one. One who could have made use of that 'stout bastard from Mech'. That 'sbfm' who i shared my room with. That 'sbfm' who came to visit me that evening and gave me courage!!! That 'sbfm' who dared to lay his rotten hands on his pals who was with him thro' thick and thin.

I had to be a calculated politician. One who could have understood this sbfm's need for being the hero. Should have made use of him. Should have asked him to hit back for me. All his ego wanted was a lil bit of notice. Being with us he was just another guy. On the other side, he became a celebrity overnight. He was their best cricketer, their best comperer, their mech-rep, their best showman, their JAM judge(hahaha), their goto man. And above all.... the biggest M*ther f*cker in the world.

Tuesday 28 July, 2009

My Room Part 5

The aftermath

13th Feb 2003 : 7AM

By now i had a few hours for myself. To think and ponder upon what has happened in the last 24hrs. It sent a shiver down my spine thinking abt what happened with the guys frm the other side. I was not too happy that guys we targeted got away. There was regret too... that some innocent souls got hit... the more i thought about it, the more i felt for them... I guess it had a lot to do with the fact that I was getting a bit scared of what these guys might do to other friends of mine... also i was thinking if this was just the beginning of series of clashes... and if i will have to pay more dearly for what has happened....

I was in denial. To everyone who did not know anything about this... I was in complete denial.. I had made a story in my head and repeated it every time some1 asked me what happened... after the 3rd or 4th narration it sounded so real and true that I started believing it too... Its been about early morning the cops had come to visit us. By now almost every single word i was telling sounded so real that every question had a very genuinely sounding answer, and these cops, who are the best at catching a wrong word in a wrong sentence ran out of questions. Wow!!! i am doing good job here... and the names came out flowing outta my mouth.. as was planned!!!

A few more hours passed and a few local politicians have come to meet us. I guess none of them were ever genuinely interested in our cause.. it was just yet another routine things these guys had to do.... 'to keep these young cadres in high spirits...' It hardly helped any of us. In fact it just rubbed more salt to already broken nose and sore and bloody lips... For me it was not politics... it was my right to freedom... my right to do what i want without crossing the line... I dint do it for some bloody publicity... I did it because i dint want to live in fear. i dint want my friends to live in fear... I wanted to scare them who tried to push us... I wanted to send shiver down their spines... and now it is getting politicised... Is this what i set out to do?

But, some my genuine friends told me that these guys were reqd... Without political back-up we wud be a bunch of kids fighting against a political party which could wreck havoc in North Kerala. Then it would not be called a fight... it would be a total annihilation... and i was stuck btw the devil and the deep blue sea!!!

to be contd...